Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Considering New Home Ownership

Well, we made the move and now we have bought a house! Though still finalizing details, all appears to be moving in the direction of a January 2006 closing. We feel so grateful to be able to make such a purchase ~ a simple yet lovely home on 7 wonderful "acres of North Idaho paradise" (as the listing agent claims!). The location is a quick minute from where we live now - just down Sunnyside Rd., right across from large parcels of Forest Service land and the bird sanctuary. The land contains both woods, pasture and lawn. It feels just right for our little family!

Here are a few photos. We will have plenty of space still for visitors, so please come and visit.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Travel Considerations

Time passing...simply slipping away. Though it may appear there have been few considerations of late, this is surely not the case. Perhaps more than my novice mind could handle. But all is well in these northern woods and we are getting back on track. So for starters, a few photos of recent travels to Maui with Shannon's family and our first grand snowfall here in Sandpoint.

For those awaiting a small social-political recommendation, please watch "Wal-Mart: the high cost of low price." Astounding what these folks get away with. And if you want to borrow mine, just let me know!