Thursday, February 22, 2007

Leavenworth, Friends & Fun!

Carla turned the BIG 40 and the galz gathered in Leavenworth to celebrate! Karen and Anne hosted us in their splendid new house, Henry went on his first major snowshoe (upon Diana's back), all the aunties loved up on the boy and Carla got her new camera!!!

Bagel Boy

It is everything a Jewish mom can imagine...her baby boy indulging in his very first bagel!!! And loving it!

Friday, February 02, 2007

Considering Cousins

Jack, Noah, Chapel and Watson are beginning to embrace their cousin Henry now that he can interact with them. Jack loves to dance for Henry, Noah and Chapel like him to sit on their laps and Watson loves to say, "Baby Henry, Baby Henry!"

Documenting History

For the record...some photos of our historic moment:

Before we knew the judgement and anxious we'd never get in the court room...

Judge Buchanan says, "YES!"

Lots and lots of Momma Love