Coming back center again after sleepless nights due to Henry's transitions & pregnancy headspins of only the very horomonal sort. We have had the pleasure of entertaining Seattle gals here to ski, enjoying watching the snow drifts melt and traveling to Spokane to celebrate Jack and Noah's 9th birthday. Things at work are settling down now that our new CEO has found his voice and our new fiscal year has begun. Shannon and I both had the opportunity to go to Dallas to facilitate programs for the 450 retail leaders -- saw nothing of Dallas, but the programs received rave reviews.
Today we had the opportunity to see the new kid via ultrasound. All parts and pieces are present and accounted for. S/he is a wriggler and as much as we can tell, looks just like Henry did in utero :-) If all goes well, we're on target to meet him/her sometime the second week of July. Question of the day...will the kid arrive before, on or just after my 40th birthday???
Update on the big brother...Henry is absolutely "choo-choo" obsessed, with specific affinity for Thomas, the "Very Useful Engine." While we try to broaden his repertoire of books, toys and videos, we always seem to come back to "choo-choo." Ah well. He is in charge.
He keeps us on our toes -- continues to be extremely physical with exceptional eye-hand coordination. He likes to sing the "ABC" song, Ring-Around-The-Rosey (one of those happier tunes) and can count all the way up to two! He is beginning to differentiate Momma (Diana) from Mommy (Shannon) and opens his arms wide when asked, "How much does Momma/y love Henry?" Our love for him continues to grow and grow -- it is an uncanny thing this parent-love!
On the horizon, we have a trip to Seattle planned for April, trips for both of us to West Virginia for work, a weekend in NYC for Diana and with hope, many visitors coming to stay in our lovely new penthouse above the garage.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Time with Budad

Buddy Gore weathered the storms and came for a visit this weekend -- what a treat! He and Henry have a special bond over are a few choice photos of the two of them playing with Henry's new train set.
Every day as we drive Henry to school we count how many "choo choo's" we can see en route! This is prime location for choo choo spotting!
The Big Dig!

Continuous snow means time for snow removal...not an easy task. Ssaturday, Shannon and Tim spent hours atop the roof shoveling to ensure we would not suffer any cave ins...What troopers!
On a funnier note, there is so much talk about snow in these parts, that a woman who runs a website for Priest Lake saw our photos on the blog and posted one of the house on her site...
Friday, February 01, 2008
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