Wednesday, April 30, 2008

End 'O April Update

With hope, we will not get snow tonight here in Sandpoint...alas, this is truly the winter that shall not end! Last weekend we dared to pull out the patio furniture and have our first burgers on the BBQ! We shared the evening with our friends Ali and Kelly (one of Henry's favorite gals in the world!) The belly's gettin' bigger...

Friday, April 18, 2008

Time in the Big Apple

After working in Parkersburg, WV this past week, I am treating myself to a weekend of good friends, good food and big-city excitement in NYC! To be honest, most of the time will be spent in Brooklyn, which is my favorite way to enjoy the city. I am staying with dear friends Julie and Andrea and have the delighted pleasure of having Seattle friends Lara and Melissa also coming in for a visit also. So tonight will be a real "girls night out" in the city that never sleeps...

Shannon and Henry are spending the week together and, by all accounts, having a wonderful time! Henry is such a great companion these days, as everything he sees becomes a curiousity, every word he hears becomes one to try out in his own head and mouth. Conversations are now possible, an incredible engagement when done with someone still so small.

Henry has a continued fascination with all-things 4 wheels...buses, cars, tractors, trains...and he has discovered airplanes to all of our delight! "Ai-plan, ai-plan" he cries at the sight of movement in the sky. The other day he looked up in the afternoon sky and declared, "Moon!" Which of course was at first questionable, given the bright blue of sky, but yet he was right -- there was the moon! A proud parent moment, Shannon and I just beamed!

Time is moving fast toward the arrival of the newest member of the family. S/he is quite the active one, even at this stage! I imagine we are in for either a kung fu master or champion soccer player... Even while we were in attendance to see the Dalai Lama, the kid was flipping around, as if s/he wanted to come out and say "Namaste" for His Holiness on all his /herown. I admit pregnancy this time around is a tad less novel and a bit more muscles are not quite as tight as they were and sleep comes rather fitfully. Alas, we are in the final months...

Plans for the upcoming months include visits from Bud and Linda both and a 4-day excursion to Lopez Island via the Methow Valley. Then we will hunker down for Sandpoint summer and the anticipation of Henry's "baby." Life is is good.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Special Friends

On special days, Henry gets to ride to the park or library with his friend Miranda, or as he calls her, "Mana." Miranda's mom, Nicole, took this shot of the two of them on Friday. We think they look like an old married couple out for a drive...