Notes from the couch...all is well in breastfeeding land. Jed Bartlett is about to end his 8-year term as President and Hope and I are rooting for Matt Santos as the next Democratic leader of the free world...(my how art imitates life, eh?)
I've been musing a bit about post-partum depression and realize that I am not depressed, but just another extroverted, go-getting, 40-year old mom who is having transition anxiety spending so much time alone with a cutie-pie infant feeling like the days go by and I have nothing to show for them. A post or two here on the blog feels like a huge accomplishment on the days I can actually get here...When we get outside for a walk it is a banner day -- yesterday even found us at the *gulp* scrapbooking store where despite Hope's howels of hunger and disapproval, I bought her and Henry scrapbooks (wh0 knows where I will find the time to put anyting in them!) A few good talks with friends and family and I have begun to let go of some of the shame I feel around my lack of post-partum baby bliss...don't get me wrong, Hope is a wonder and when she looks at me with her wide-eyes, I want nothing else but to have her right in my arms...alas, the contradictions...the letting go...the surrender. Not many moms seems to talk about this part -- so here's to a bit of silence-breaking.
Concerts at the Festival at Sandpoint resume tonight -- this week we will see the Waifs, the Bodeans, Ziggy Marley and Wynonna Judd. Then on Sunday, the whole family packs up to head to Marin County, CA to spend time in the old homestead. Amidst everything, Shannon and I have decided to take California up on its offer to lend legal credibility to our union and we are getting MARRIED! August 23rd we will wed in Sausalito, with a few family members in attendance. The judge and his partner (read: wife) will officiate and Shannon and I have agreed they can use the term "wife" (a term I have heretofore been pretty lukewarm about) in the ceremony. We will also re-affirm our vows from our commitment ceremony and break a glass in the old Jewish tradition. Should be memorable in so many ways.
Alas, Hope is calling for another round on the couch...