Update of the kiddlets for those of you who keep telling me that I'm not keeping up with the blog (mea culpa, mea culpa!) I chalk my delinquency up to busy schedules at work, spending lots of time chasing after these growing young ones and what time we do have when the sun shows up being spent outdoors -- thank goodness!
Hope, now just past 9 months continues to be a MOVER! She is active at every moment and has taken to exploring every part of the house. She LOVES climbing the stairs and with no cares, will venture up all 20 steps by herself (much to Mommas' hysteria...) She squawks like a large bird to converse and definitely understands waaaaayyyy more than she can communicate herself! She is completely taken by Java and other large dogs, has found her image in the mirror to be completely enticing and cackles with a 30-year smokers laugh when I tickle the inner thigh.
Henry continues to astound us with his verbal acuity and passion for music! His new favorite video is The Sound of Music and has me fast forward to all the "kids" parts so that he can learn the songs. He has "Do-Re-Me" down and can sing it himself, but finds "My Favorite Things" a bit disconcerting because of the thunder and lightning in the backdrop. Hen has become enamored with the guitar and we've been playing regularly since our friend Julie gave him a lesson. As spring comes, you can nearly always find Henry outside -- he loves to pretend the garden hose is a fire-fighter's hose putting out fires and he continues to love mowing the grass like Momma Shannon! He is a great companion -- still very sensitive, full of stories and creative wonder.