As if I don't have enough to consider these days with only 10 days left of maternity leave, the joys of an 11-week old son, the upcoming commitment ceremony to the woman I love and the colors of Fall filling the landscape...
Stink bugs...Phylum, Arthropoda; Class, Insecta; Order, Hemiptera
They are everywhere! And I am freaking out! They have taken over the exterior of our house, permeate the woods, dive bomb me each time I get out of my car. And let's just be clear: I hate them. Sorry to be so decidely negative as I make strides toward believing in a better world for our son -- but I do loathe these shield-shapped stinkers!
I have had the exterminator out to assist in my second karma-crushing insect genocide of the year and even Rod, the fearless masked hero, weighed in, "Well, yes, you do have quite a problem...worse than I expected to tell you the truth." Ha! Ick! Grrrrr....
I've considered, given this is Idaho, that perhaps these critters have their Jewish holidays mixed up and are coming as one of the Passover Plagues, so I have been trying to convince them instead of the New Year and Repentence and perhaps fasting for the day (perhaps they'll starve?)...but I am having little luck here. They just continue to thrive. Even now, sitting at the CWC Wine Bar in downtown Sandpoint, 3 of them are crawling up the window!
I imagine wishing them all dead will have serious consequences for me on Yom Kippur -- but even writing this makes me crazy with desire to rid our home of the crunchy creatures...
Oy Vay, what to do?