65+ days old and I am off and running! Well, not really running, per se (except in my new sweet-as-can-be BOB jogger that mom pushes!), but I am a mover and a shaker. In fact, I seem to move my little fidget-self all the time -- love to love to love to move! Momma Di takes me in the bath and it appears I am almost swimming, except she still needs to hold me up outta the water! It feels so good...makes me smile and laugh! Each morning in the bath Momma Di teaches me Spanish -- we're covering the parts of the body, the elements of nature we can see outside our window and foods. I am particularly fond of the words "leche" and "pechuga."
I went on my first camping trip last weekend with our dear friends Auntie Lara and Auntie Melissa. Momma Di was needing some "quality friend time" and Momma Shannon was working, so we headed West to the Potholes Wilderness Area -- desert, moon-like landscape. It sure was beautiful! And so great to get into arms of my Aunties once again! I slept in the big blue tent, bundled up in Momma Di's sleeping bag for it was coooold! Fall is here -- no doubt about it!
Home again, we welcomed Momma Shannon back from her trip on the CWC corporate jet from West Virginia. By all accounts, it sounds like the whole experience was great for her -- she is doing some fine things at that company!!!
My 9-week check up found me at 11 lbs. and 23 inches long - I am growing! And ouch! They gave me my first innoculations...oh, to be human.
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