Friday, July 11, 2008

New Strategy

It occured to me today that if I keep "doing" at my normal pace, this kid might think that there is no space in my life for him/ I tried a new routine today and actually sat down, made myself a huge lunch, drank a big glass of water and then took a nap (midday mind you, with the sun pouring in the window!) And while contractions still have not begun, I am hopeful that a calmer invitation to join us may get things moving.

Of course, if anyone reading has any home remedies for induction, I am all ears!


BaseCampAnne said...

Are you still walking 5 miles a day? That was going to be my suggestion.
For me #1 was early and #2 was late, so go figure. I exercised similarly, trying to get the kid to want to come out and see what all the action was about... no luck. So, I have no suggestions.

However we are all ready too for the big event!

Anne Cox

Bridget said...

Diana, Pizza with everything worked for all 3 of my babes. My OB. said this was a popular food and when I worked at the hospital many mom patients said this had worked for them. Don't know if you are vegan or vegetarian. If not this may work. I can tell you though it isn't pretty coming back if you have nausea with labor. Sorry for that thought. The nurse in me forgets not everyone thinks like I do. Take care. Bridget