Quick update on Henry, seen here with his new favorite toy, the Automoblox and participating in his favorite pasttime, making music. He has become quite the musician these days, much to the astonishment of both his moms. You name it -- guitar, piano, drums -- he loves it all! A new morning ritual of late is for him to call both me and Shannon into the playroom where he assigns us both instruments to play, while he sets himself up on the piano bench, one hand on the piano and the other with a drum. He then instructs us on when to come in and while we are all playing, he (managing one instrument in each hand) sings at the top of his lungs. It is both comical and amazing to witness! Move over Elton John...here comes Henry Joseph Zagorsky Barnes!
I can't wait to attend one of his concerts!!!! :)
I can't wait to see Henry really go vrooooom with his green car!
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