There has been a lot of change going on at work for both me and Shannon -- mostly at the leadership level. While we are both still gainfully employed, the distraction and disruption of changes has just made it all the clearer to focus on the very simple, important aspects of life -- home, family, friends, the joys of children. We are everso blessed each day and so very grateful for the abundance which surrounds us.
At this time in the Jewish calendar when reflection and pause take center stage, I am awed by the power of kids to transform the heart. The delight that I experience watching Henry come up from the ground smiling ear to ear having just flown over his handle bars on his bike...the spark that ignites within me when Hope begins to giggle uncontrollably, now even before I have started to tickle her inner thigh...the amazement I experience as Hope signs a new word or in Henry's precocious, "Actually, Momma Diana, I am wondering if perhaps we should have pasta tonight for dinner"...the calm which overtakes me as I hold their pure and undistilled energy in my arms...such blessings.
At this time of atonement, as I take stock of the commitments I have made and those I have broken, I recommit my energy and spirit to my family -- to nurture and cultivate deeper connection, a refined presence, full intention. And in doing so, I ask for guidance from my best new teachers, Henry & Hope, to keep me on the path so that together we continue to flourish.
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