Wednesday, January 30, 2008


It is official! Shannon and I are going to have another baby! We are very excited and filled with anticipation to meet this new little one. We got to see him/her on ultrasound last week -- a squirmy, active, ten-toed, ten-fingered, all-organs-accounted-for, completely miraculous being! We're accepting name recommendations, though we have a few in mind already. And yes, we will be waiting to find out if we're raising another boy or a girl...sorry, the surprise is just too amazing!

Henry is delighted! We have been talking a lot about his role as big brother and he gets all giggly when we talk about "his baby." For many weeks now, he has been patting my belly and saying, "Baby, baby..." Recently, we have been listening to the baby's heartbeat via monitor together -- Henry gets enthralled! This weekend, he even went to the drawer where we keep the monitor and said, "Mama, baby...mama baby..." and then we listened and he kissed my belly enthusiastically. He will be a great big brother!

Friday, January 18, 2008

One Moose, Two Moose (Meese?)

This morning we had two visitors in our front yard!

Henry's Half Birthday

So we didn't have a party (or a half party) on January 16th, but we did give Henry extra kisses on his arrival at 18 months old! He continues to be the joy of our lives -- his emotional immediacy and fully-in-his-body self are a wonder to witness. He talks constantly -- "Mama, down!", "Mama, see lights!", "Choo-Choo!", "I like dat!" and more.

Here, he is enjoying his new train set from grampa Buddy, delighting in wearing momma Diana's shoes (an every day occurance) and helping momma Shannon do her computer work.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

The Wonders of Friendship

We were deliriously happy to have our dear friends Cass and Lynn come visit
for 4 days over the holidays! Snowfall every day offered great opportunities for snow play outdoors and amazing gastronomic feasts indoors! Our last meal hosted so many different color vegetables I was almost blinded by its beauty! And while we thought they might be the first visitors to stay in the garage-guest suite, that designation is still up for if you want to come out -- we're ready for you!

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Snow Shoeing On New Years

Our family delighted in a wonderful snow shoe on New Year's morning -- a wonderful way to ring in 2008. Henry just adores seeing the trees covered in snow! The air was fresh and our journey took us along the bank of frozen Lake Pend Orille. Simply a blessing.

Carhart Considerations

You know what they say about a family that all wears Carharts...

Holiday Family Fun

Here are a few precious moments of the cousins...

2008 Transformation

Transformations...this will be our theme for 2008. May the New Year bring transformation to every heart that needs healing, to every country suffering from war, to all peoples needing help.
Here in our neck of the woods, we have our own transformations...kitchens shifting more modern and colorful, Henry learning to talk and delight in his every moment, a garage turning from desire into reality, green forests turning into white winterlands from fresh fallen snow...
From our family to you and yours -- Happy New Year!