Friday, November 28, 2008

Bountiful Gratitude

Thanksgiving always brings to mind the pause needed to be grateful for all the abundance in our lives -- so much so, that sometimes it takes my breath away.  For all the blessings of family, friendship, health, flannel sheets...I give thanks.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Hawaiian Days

A week in Kaanapali, Maui should be on everyone's list...though I know this is certainly a stretch for many. Alas, our family had the opportunity to celebrate my dad's imminent 70th birthday in sunshine and style and surf! It was delightful. Here are a few special shots of the gang.

Monday, November 17, 2008

First Family Rally

Good Morning! On Saturday, we few of us took to the corner near the Sandpoint courthouse to rally with thousands of others across the nation in support of the right of gay and lesbian people to legally marry. The Bonner Bee covered the event and this morning, there has been some interesting response from community members who disagree with our position (and seemingly our lives). I welcome you to write in so that all sides of the issue are represented.

Here is the link:
To learn more about the reposnse to Prop 8, see here:

And spread the word!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Prop 8 = Hate

So, what does it all mean for me and Shannon now that we have our marriage license but Prop 8 has passed? What does it mean for the hundreds of gay/lesbian couples who wed in the past few months, expressing vows of love and commitment to one another? Time will tell.

Today I was sent this one man's thoughts on the subject and it moved me literally to tears...(OK, so I am a little sleep-deprived)...but it moved me nonetheless:

Monday, November 10, 2008


Henry and Hope join in the celebration!!! Election night in Hawaii -- it doesn't get much better than this!