Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Wallowa Wowsa!

In northeast Oregon there are a set of amazing mountains and canyons called the Wallowas. Amazing long weekend marking the inaugural journey in our new Rosie! The kids and Purple Grandma were all troupers -- we camped aside the lovely river in the Lostine Canyon, enjoyed a fun morning espresso at the Blue Banana, took the steepest tram in North America to the top of Mt. Howard where we got to hike as if in the Swiss Alps, took a turn on the go-karts near Wallowa Lake, discovered Terminal Gravity IPA at the local brewery and ended up taking home a case! Many wonderful memories were made!

Blessing Atop the Peak

Considerations of a more internal kind...letting go of the recent injustices at work in order to focus on the more important things in life -- like how to be the best parent I can be, how to relinquish fear in the service of true adventure, how to articulate my "professional offer" in ways that honor the past and lead me forward. I return to Strozzi in a few weeks to begin the Advanced Leadership series -- more opportunities to practice, to learn, to invite.

Yesterday Shannon and I took the day off to go high into the mountains -- Scotchman Peak was the destination. It is called "extreme" in the guide book which I found interesting, as the hike felt not so much extreme as extremely wonderful! Steep terrain brings you up 3,700 foot gain through the tree line toward a scree-topped summit where once was an old fire lookout. Once at the top, views are spectacular of the Selkirks, Cabinets and surrounding lakes -- Idaho, Montana and Canada all in sight. We were sweaty and breathing hard most of the way which felt delicious -- it had been too long since I had been "all out" in this way.
I envisioned the perfect day on this mountain to include a noble goat, as often are reputed in these areas. I am a huge fan of the mountain goat -- strong, nimble and clear-eyed. As we hiked, I kept a look out for all things wild. Saw a few new birds, some squirrels and chipmunks and gratefully, no bears. The higher we got, the fog appeared which made the whole landscape a bit ominous, a bit magical. Then, just as I rounded the last huge rock around the base of the once-standing fire lookout, there he was...majestic, regal, connected. Ah, life. It offers such possibility and so many gifts. I felt truly blessed.

Fun Kid Updates

Hope and her friends...jazz hands!
Henry and his new bike -- pure joy!