Monday, October 02, 2006

Yom Kippur Considerations

Yom Kippur Blog 21st century means of Repentance and Atonement here in Northern Idaho, where one cannot find a good bagel, to say nothing of a rabbi or a synangogue. So, it is me and Henry this morning, awaking to a cooler than usual Fall day -- a nice filtered light coming through the trees and a quiet throughout the house. Hen is resting peacefully after our bath together and I have space to consider this day, the holiest of the Jewish year.

It is said that repentence is a prerequisite to atonement; so I find myself in reflection today on ways I desire to live a better life. It was just this time last year that Henry was conceived. During the drama at the start of his life, I turned toward prayer for the first time since lying in a hospital bed in Nicaragua and bekoned that "all would be resolved; " and so it was. Since Henry has arrived, in all his perfection, I have neglected to adequately take time to express gratitude...instead, I have quickly moved on to motherhood, maternity leave, house chores, etc.

So, this morning, I settle into the temple of Henry's skin and breath. I take time to honor the miracle of his arrival and the deep, deep gratitude I feel having him in our lives. They say if one is to pray at all, prayers should not only be requests of the Universe...indeed. Today I atone for my transgression of forgetting and say to the energies which surround us -- Thank you ~ You have brought joy to my life beyond what I could have ever imagined.

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